Monday, September 27, 2010

Digital Nation Paper

The Mob. 
What are the unintended effects unleashed by our connectedness? Does anonymity plus connectivity always equal misbehavior and cruelty? How are we to explain some of the collective anger that seems to be unleashed online - and is it a result of the same anger characterizing much of our society's discourse, or is it the cause?

Social network sites are putting attention span in jeopardy. If the young brain is exposed from the beginning to a world of fast action and reaction, of instant screen images flashing up with the press of a key, such rapid interchange might familiarize the brain to operate over such timescales. Perhaps when in the real world such responses are not immediately helpful, we will see such behaviors and call them attention-deficit disorder.

Social networking sites can provide a constant reassurance that you are listened to, recognized, and important. Instead the face-to-face, real life conversation, which is far more unpredictable and stressful than the computer mediated conversation, happens in real time; no opportunity to think up witty responses, it exposes your voice tone, body language, and probably even your emitted pheromones. (Molecules that transmit mainly sexual and social messages that others perceive unconsciously)

The pure impulse of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction. We definitely should not underestimate the delight of interacting with a screen when we puzzle over why it seems so appealing to us.   


Monday, September 20, 2010

Discussion Questions

Today many TV shows and advertisements try to look amateurish or "homegrown" to emulate what is often seen on the Web. Do you think professional production values will continue to drop, or do you think amateur user-generated content will get better over time? WHY??

I do think professional production values will continue to drop, but only for a period of time. I feel as though this is one of the latest trends that seems as though could never fade out of style, yet in a few years will become obsolete. At this time we say we do not mind the low quality of productions, however what would productions such as the movie Avatar been like without its incredible animation quality?? I believe we will, and rightly so, fade this trend out over time.

What social media sites do you find yourself using the most, and why? In your opinion why is Facebook so    much more successful than MySpace, and do you think Facebook is "here to stay" for the long term.

I use mostly facebook. Facebook is the most popular social networking site used by my friends. I can be "connected" with them at all times. At any given time I can view my friends pictures, leave a message or comment on their wall, and now I can even instant message them through facebook no matter where you are in the world. I also enjoy using facebook because it is interactive. I can actually be doing something on the site rather than just sitting at a computer starring at the screen. 

Why is transparency such an important concept in the Social Media world? Is it MORE or LESS important in the offline world? Why?

Transparency is a very important part of social media. Transparency shows us, the public, the truth about companies. The definition given for transparency in a social setting implies "openness, communication and accountability."  The actual need for it in social media is becoming increasingly important. For instance, the Facebook scandal in early 2009. If Facebook had just been upfront about the changes there would have been no problems.

Photoshop Assignment #2


Photoshop Assignment

For this assignment I chose the new Apple iPad. I wanted to
show that the iPad can preform a variety of different tasks that 
you would never have be able to do before. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

McLuhan Assignment

Skype is a new way people are able to communicate with each other. You can talk face-to-face with friends and family no matter where they are in the world. 

The iPad has taken an older idea, a computer, and transformed it into a completely new innovative package. The iPad is a touch screen computer that combines the capabilities of computers, books, cameras, and so much more. It does all of this and it is the smallest, thinnest, most lightweight computer on the market.

Facebook is a social networking site that allows friends and family stay connected. You can easily post pictures, videos, messages, and comments on your own page as well as your friends pages.